Meeting Minutes

Business Meeting Minutes 06-20-18

Business Meeting Minutes June 20, 2018 Knights of Columbus 12017

Grand Knight Jeff Godshall called the meeting to order. The Warden reported all had membership card and rosary. The opening prayer was led by brother Deacon Watford and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

There were two visitors to our meeting which were both knights in the process of transferring to our council: Rob Fisher and John Clyatt.

Roll Call of Officers  (see end of minutes for list of next fraternal year officers)

Grand Knight Jeff Godshall Present
Chaplain Fr. Pat Keane Excused
Deputy Grand Knight Chris Smith Excused
Chancellor Larry Greer Present
Advocate Mark Pahl Present
Lecturer Miguel Saldana Excused
Treasurer (Acting) Sal Tascone Present
Financial Secretary Lee Wagner Present
Warden George Schadt Present
Outside Guard Sean Duncan Present
Inside Guard Pete Kotas Present
Recorder Greg Decker Present
Trustee 1 Steve Shelton Excused
Trustee 2 Ken Dieppa Absent
Trustee 3 Ken Merck Present

Chaplain report: chaplain absent, no report

Approval of minutes:

The minutes from the May meeting were posted on June 22 to the council website. Motion made to approve, seconded and was passed.

Retention/Membership report: no report

Grand Knight report:

Golf Tournament: Due to being rained out, it has been rescheduled to Saturday, July 28, with a morning start.  Wattch the website for current information. 

8th Grade Medallion: As Fr. Pat was leaving for the Holy Land he contacted Greg Decker to see if the knights could help with a request from the school for a remembrance keychain gift to the graduates. The school had a generic St. Mark keychain selected which would cos't more that $1,500 for the graduationg class. I researched sources and came up with a custom design which was accepted. The cost was under $700 and provided medallions for the next three years.  A letter from teacher Donna Frazelle was read thanking us for such a fantastic gift.

St. Philomena fund: Last month a recommendation was made to give $2,000 to the fund. Since then, the executive board has recommended raising that amount to $3,500. The rationale was to "give a punch" to the fund so there are adequate funds as need arise. The approval motion was made by Ken Merck and seconded by Mark Pahl.

Culture of Life: We will make a $500 donation to Room at the Inn, the KofC sponsored home for expectant mothers outside Charlotte though available for anyone from North Carolina.  Also, $1,000 will be earmarked for future purchase of an ultrasound device. These were funded through the anual Monday Night Football pool. 

Poker: Going forward, the Poker Nite will only be held in the Social Hall. All are scheduled there but ther is always the potential to be moved. When that happens, Poker Nite will move as well.

Fr. Fernando Reception: We've been asked to help with the set-up and tear-down for the Farewell reception for Fr. Fernando. Please make an effort to help.

PGK Vince Cusick: Brother Vince is essentially homebound. he could use visits from brother knights. If interested, contact soon-to-be PGK Jeff Godshall for phone number and address.

Treasurer’s report: given by Financial Secretary

Financial Secretary’s report: gave report.  Lee thanked us for supporting him as Financial Secretary. This is his last official meeting as FS. 

Director’s reports:

Church (Decker) -

  • The Monday Night Football Pool is again underway. The first game is September 10. Booklets are $20 each and give the purchaser 20 chances to win $50; many purchasers have won more than once.  For every 10 books sold, you get one free. The proceeds help support our Culture of Life programs.
  • The gift from Dynamic Catholic this month is the Matthew Kelly book "Building Better Families". One is available to anyone who wants it; a small quantity also will be distributed from the Adult Ed table. 

Family (Peters, S) - Knight of the Month is Alex Hill and wife Andrea. Alex provides beautiful, spiritual music throughout the year to aid in our worship. Also recognized is Ronnie Giardina and wife Jeaanie for hosting the Memorial Day picnic.

New Business: no report

Report of the Fourth Degree: 

District Deputy Report: absent, no report

Insurance Representative: Agent Yakimovich announced that he will no longer be the insuranse agent for our council.  Our brother Ray Repage is taking over for 12017 and the councils in Southport and Shallotte. 


  • Through three LAMB drives and a donation from the Columbiettes we are 40% of the way to our goal with six more drives to go.
  • Three knights need to be singled out for filling 25% of the slots so far - George Schadt, Jeff Kranich and Gary Wool. 
  • There will be a sheet in each collection cart which lists where LAMB contributions went in the past year. 

Good of the Order:

Prayers were offered for fellow Knights, relatives and friends. In particular the following names were mentioned:

Fran Keenan and Daniel Agnelli.

Closing prayer: was led by brother Deacon Watford.

Greg Decker, Recorder



Grand Knight Larry Greer
Chaplain Fr. Pat Keane Honorary
Deputy Grand Knight Chris Smith
Chancellor Gary Wool
Advocate Mark Pahl
Treasurer Sal Tascone
Financial Secretary Greg Decker Appointed
Lecturer Miguel Saldana Appointed
Warden George Schadt
Outside Guard Sean Duncan
Inside Guard Pete Kotas
Recorder Ronnie Girardi
Trustee 1 Ken Dieppa
Trustee 2 KenMerck
Trustee 3 Jeff Godshall