Every community has its unique needs. For the Knights of Columbus, whose first principle is charity, finding ways to help those in need in their communities is a mission its members embrace. Through their good works, whether it be bringing food to the hungry, warm coats to the cold, wheelchairs to those who can’t walk, or any of the many other programs conducted to help those in need, the Knights of Columbus practices a charity that evangelizes.
These are just some of the ways our council ministers to the local community.
- Volunteerism
- Good Shepherd House
- Military
- Special Olympics
- Polar Plunge
- Columbus Day Dinner
- Parades
- 21 Day Flag Salute
- Health – Blood Pressure
- LAMB Foundation
The last, LAMB Foundation, is a major initiative of the Knights of Columbus in North Carolina. Our council maintains a leadership position in this worthy organization.
Habitat for Humanity
Build Day November 2, 2024
Our council's first day out at Habitat for Humanity and a very good showing. Led by brother Ron White, were brothers Jay Curley, Tim Kroll, Grand Knight Greg Peters, Dan Rockwell, Talin Germain and future brother Nicholas Breit.
Updated information highlighted in RED. Please review!
October 7, 2024
Worthy District Deputy, Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, Sir Knights, and Brothers:
I am excited to announce that the Knights of Columbus Council 12017 from St. Mark Catholic Church has teamed with Habitat for Humanity to assist in home builds for the 2024/2025 calendar year. Our first joint venture will be on November 2, 2024, from 07:45 to 02:00 at 708 Swann Street in Wilmington. Make sure to wear comfortable clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty and closed-toe shoes. All needed materials/tools will be provided on site. Water coolers and lunch will be provided on site. We encourage volunteers to bring their own water bottles if possible.
We need ten men to volunteer for this effort. The great opportunity here is that it can be a father/son adventure. Young men 16 and older can accompany a Knight for the build. Each volunteer must sign a waiver. There is an adult waiver for anyone 18 and older and a minor waiver for young men 16 or 17.
Our project goals for November 2nd are to assist Habitat for Humanity with vinyl siding prep, fraternal camaraderie, and safe participation while helping our neighbors in need.
Only ten slots are available, and we are opening this up to the All Saints Council, so get on the Sign Up Genius early.
Vivat Jesus!
Ron White
Chancellor – Knights of Columbus Council 12017