Council History
Knights of Columbus
Father James E. Waters Council 12017
The vision of Father Michael McGivney slowly becomes a reality!
It began in 1881 when Father Michael McGivney decided something had to be done to help the Catholic Families suffering during this difficult time in American history. As Curator of St Mary’s church in New Haven Connecticut, he explained to a group of men that they need to be steadfast in their faith through mutual encouragement, to promote closer ties of fraternity among them and to set up an elementary system of insurance so that widows and children would not find themselves in dire financial straits should their husband die.
With the support of this small group of men and his determination to find a solution to help these families, The Knights of Columbus was formed and chartered on March 29 1882 in the State of Connecticut.
Father Michael McGivney envisioned that a group of Catholic men would support each other and help their church and priest in every parish.
The ideals of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism in the Knights of Columbus organization became rooted in New England, along the upper Atlantic seaboard and into Canada during the first 15 years. Within the next eight years the Knights of Columbus branched out from Quebec to California and from Florida to Washington.
In 1997, the council at St. Mark's was the second to spin off from Wilmington Council 1074. The FATHER JAMES E. WATERS COUNCIL 12017 was established on July 17 of that year under District Deputy Carl Black. The chartered officers of the council were:
Grand Knight James McNamara
Chaplain Father Matthew Hendrick
Deputy Grand Knight Thomas McGann
Chancellor Frank Turturro
Warden Frank Kury
Recorder Vincent Cusick
Treasurer John Cramer
Advocate Paul Dencio
Inside Guard Mark Grosser
Outside Guard Arthur Elson
Lecturer Ron Vetter
Trustee Frank Pinkson
Trustee Bill Kepelsky
Trustee Charles Hawkins
The council has met since their beginning at St. Mark's Catholic Church on Eastwood Road.
Father Michael McGivney envisioned a council of Knights of Columbus in every parish. It is slowly becoming a reality.