
Grand Knight: Chris Smith This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Date: 2/22/2022

Call to Order: Grand Knight – DGK Cary Newman (time): 7:03 PM

Warden Report – George Schadt

·         Call for Rosaries – all in possession of Rosaries

·         Call for ID cards – all in possession of ID cards

·         Total in attendance: 26 Brothers; 1 Guest

Roll call of officers:


Father Greg Spencer


Deputy Grand Knight

Cary Newman



Gary Wool



Frank A Bio


Financial Secretary

Greg Decker



Bud Tascone



Miguel Saldana



Mark Pahl



George Schadt


Inside Guard

John Bolger


Outside Guard

Shawn Duncan


Trustee Year 3

Larry Greer


Trustee Year 2

Steven Shelton


Trustee Year 1

Greg Peters


Opening Prayer by Deputy Grand Knight, Carry Newman

Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting: Approved

Grand Knights Report:

·         There have been a total of 1,500 Ultrasound machines donated by the Knights of Columbus.

Chaplain Challenge summarized by Brother Newman


Supreme Chaplain's Monthly Challenge (from website)

While the monthly challenge was available; the council reviewed last month’s challenge.  Brother Knights were encouraged to continue praying the rosary per January’s challenge – listed below:


And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was. They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage. (Gospel for Jan. 2, Mt 2:9-11)


In so many ways, Jesus was not what was expected. He came to us not as a powerful earthly king or military leader, but as the helpless child of a poor family. Even so, the pagan Magi recognized the child as a newborn king. The true dignity of all human beings can at times be difficult for us to see and recognize. But, like the Magi, may we look past appearances and see the true worth of every human person — and rejoice in the gift of life.

Challenge by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori: This month, I challenge you to offer one decade of the rosary each day — individually or as a family — for the intention of life. Second, I challenge you to participate with your brother Knights in the Novena for Life, March for Life, and/or Pregnancy Center Support Faith in Action programs.

Questions for Reflection: How can you live your life in such a way as to inspire a change of hearts and minds to a pro-life position? What concrete actions can you take to build a culture of life, such as supporting pregnancy resource centers? How can you better incorporate praying for life into your own prayer life?

Treasurer’s Report – Bud Tascone


Financial Secretary’s Report – Greg Decker

·         See Appendix B – FINACIALS NOT TO BE PUBLISHED

Membership:  February Statement from Supreme shows our total membership at 163.


There was one transfer in in the past month (John Efthemis).


Three transfer in requests were received (Ken Oleary, Tim Kroll & Bob Stevens) and voted upon and approved.


Honorary Life:  Honorary membership for Joe Devlin, a recent transfer into our council, was announced.


State Raffle:  To date there were $1,590 in tickets sales returned; that represents 76% of last year’s gross.  There are about 250 tickets outstanding. Brother Knights are encouraged to either return the unsold tickets or checks and stubs to the Financial Secretary as soon as possible.  Reminders would go out later this week to the outstanding ticket holders.


Superbowl Pool:  Brought in $1,670 and $900 was paid out to winners.  Netted $770 with $500 going to Special Olympics and $270 to the Council General Fund.


Monday Night Football:  Brought in $4,300 and netted $2,050.  Of the proceeds, $1,500 will go toward the Ultrasound Initiative,  $150 for sponsorship for the Wilmington March for Life, and $250 to the Council General Fund.


Membership Drive:  there are tentative plans to hold a Membership drive on 22/23 April (Parish weekend festivities).  If you have any questions please direct them to the membership committee. 


Programs Report: Larry Greer mentioned a few upcoming activities before asking individual directors or chairmen for their reports.

·           Scouts are having a Pancake breakfast (tentatively scheduled) on 01 March; please join the fun, donations are welcomed.

·         St Mark Weekend is 22/23/24 April.

Faith Report - Miguel Saldana

·         Silver Rose will be coming through circa 01-28 May.  Details will be provided when known.

·         Founders Day: is 29 March.  All Brother Knights are encouraged to attend Mass at 6:30 PM.  Please wear you Knights Gear and sit together.

·         Divine Mercy Sunday will be held on 24 April at St. Stan’s

·         Rosary for the Unborn is every Wednesday from 9-10 AM at the corner of Hospital Plaza and 16th St.

Life Report - Michael Breit 

·         March for Life – A brief of the Wilmington March was provided by Brother Michael.  Currently, the Council is in the throes of identifying a facility for the ultrasound machine.  After it is identified it will be vetted by Supreme and the Diocese of Raleigh.

Family Report – Robert Gable

·         Knight of the Month:

o   December 2021 – Brother M Breit, Brother M Saldana.

Community Report - Steve Patterson

·         The Polar Plunge, February 19, was a huge success with several Brother Knights participating.  Brother Michael Breit was recognized for staying the frigid waters the longest.  Thank you for all who participated.

·         Wilmington Marathon is on 26 February and encouraged Brothers to participate in any way we can.

·         Mike Alexander

o   Golf Tournament:  to be held on 7 May at Old Point Country Club.  We need sponsor, contributors and players.  All proceeds go to Special Olympics and Seminarians.

o   Lunch will be a Stars and Stripes platter:  hot dogs, hamburgers, macaroni salad and baked beans

o   Cost to Play is $90

o   Sponsors:  Franklin Rouse, State Farm Insurance donated $200 for the refreshment cart

o   Prizes: Magnolia Green donated  a free round for a foursome

o   Players:  currently there are three players who have paid to play in the tournament

LAMB Report

·         It was reiterated that Harris Teeter will allow collections again beginning in June. It is anticipated it will run for 10 weeks

·         Lamb Fundraiser:  there will be a fundraiser at “Comedy Night at Smokey Tony’s”.

o   02 April: dinner and show for $30.  Hurry as this event will sell out quickly.

o   Location:  the fundraiser is located in Holly Ridge, NC (between Topsail and Camp LeJeune)

Old Business: None

New Business:

·         Elections – It was reiterated that although we are months away from elections, Brothers should consider how they can contribute and participate to the order by accepting a position. Click here for a list of our Officers and responsibilities. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your interest.

Fourth Degree Report - SK Greg Decker

·         The next exemplification is March is Winston-Salem, NC, with one council candidates: Joe Ferro. An exemplification is planned for June in Southport - let This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. know if you are interested.

Field Agent’s Report - Marty Yakimovich

·         Fraternal Benefits Seminar will take place on 22 March.

District Deputy’s Report - Gene Ziemba

·         DD Ziemba was in Hampstead and could not attend our council meeting.  However, his message to our council is that we are doing great and we need to continue to volunteer for programs  He is looking forward to the next meeting.  In closing, continue to bring Jesus to the places where he is needed most.

Prayers for Council members

·         Prayers for Greg Decker’s son and brother knight, Christian, who is undergoing treatment for cancer of the pancreas.

·         Brother Joe D'Allesandro for his recovery from surgery.

Good of the Order


Closing Prayer:  George Schadt Time: 7:55 PM

Next Meeting: Fourth Tuesday, next month:  3-22-2022 at 7:00 PM – this meeting will be preceded by an Exemplification from 6:15 to 7:00 PM

-          Minutes completed by Acting Recorder: Mike Krawczyk