Business Meeting Minutes May 18. 2017 Knights of Columbus 12017

Grand Knight Jeff Godshall called the meeting to order. The opening prayer was said and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll Call of Officers

Grand Knight Godshall Present
Chaplain Keane Excused
Deputy Grand Knight Scarborough Present
Chancellor Saldana Absent
Advocate Pahl Excused
Treasurer Probst Present
Financial Secretary Wagner Present
Warden Schadt Present
Outside Guard Smith Present
Inside Guard Bolger Present
Recorder Greer Present
Trustee 1 Dieppa Absent
Trustee 2 Daniels Excused
Trustee 3 Merck (fill-in for Shelton) Present

Chaplain report: Chaplain absent, no report

Approval of minutes:

The minutes from the March meeting are posted on the council website. Motion made to approve, seconded and was passed.

Retention/Membership report: No  report.

Grand Knight report:

This month’s poker night and Sunday breakfast were poorly attended.

Slate of officers for the year was presented. Voting to take place next month.

We have formed a Marketing committee to advertise our events. The committee lead is Patrick McConnell.

Family picnic is May 28 from 2pm until dusk at Castle Hayne park. Directions will be sent out via email.

Possible upcoming events: July, rent spots in the rear parking lot for a garage sale, considering another cornhole tournament in August to benefit autistic children.

George Schadt was recognized for his efforts throughout the year cooking the first Sunday breakfasts.

Treasurer’s report: gave report

Financial Secretary’s report: gave report

Director’s reports:

Culture of Life (Decker) -

  • Thanks to those who helped with the parking on Easter Sunday & for the IFF. Volunteer parking at Windemere Presbyterian church helped a lot.
  • Encourage all brothers to attend Vespers on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30pm, especially on business meeting nights.
  • Men’s prayer group meets every Thursday morning at 6:30am.
  • Alex Hill thanked all the brothers who attended the inaugural Gregorian chant rehearsal. They will be scheduled at a mass in the future. More brothers are encouraged to participate.

Family (Peters, S) -

  • Knight of the Month is Jon Scarborough for leading the Golf tournament. The profits covered our RSVP commitment.
  • Thanked the over 200 volunteers who made the IFF a success again this year.

New Business:

The Youth minister has asked us to cook for the youth group on May 21.

Poker committee requests more help in setting up and breaking down the monthly poker tournaments.

On behalf of the outreach committee, Jeff Kranich asked for financial assistance to purchase materials for one of the projects - the prayer shawl ministry. The group was awarded $100.

Gary Wool offered to order Knights of Columbus apparel for those desiring such. See him to place your order.

Columbiettes will be having a memorial mass on June 4 and the installation of new officers on June 11. Knights are invited.

LAMB fundraising drive begins in June. Please volunteer to assist in this worthy cause.

Report of the Fourth Degree:

Annual passing of the colors was held at St. Mark school. St. Mary will also have a presentation.

Exemplification will be held November 18 in Jacksonville, NC at Infant of Prague parish.

District Deputy Report:

Regional leadership training will be held on June 10 at St. Mary in Wilmington. Starts at 8:30am sharp and will be finished early afternoon. All officers are encouraged to attend, but anyone is welcome. Register online.

Good of the Order:

Prayers were offered for fellow Knights, relatives and friends. In particular the following names were mentioned:

Vincent Laino, deceased, Ron Probst’s brother in law.

Closing prayer and adjourn

Larry Greer, Recorder

After the meeting was adjourned the recipients of last year’s LAMB drive were presented their checks and spoke to the council on how their group benefited from our fundraising.