Business Meeting Minutes November 16, 2016 Knights of Columbus 12017

Grand Knight Jeff Godshall called the meeting to order and received a report from the Warden that all present were in possession of their membership cards.

The opening prayer was said and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The roll was called:

Grand Knight Godshall Present
Chaplain Keane Excused
Deputy Grand Knight Scarborough Excused
Chancellor Saldana Absent
Advocate Pahl Excused
Treasurer Probst Present
Financial Secretary Wagner Present
Warden Schadt Present
Outside Guard Smith Present
Inside Guard Bolger Present
Recorder Greer Present
Trustee 1 Dieppa Present
Trustee 2 Daniels Present
Trustee 3 Merck (fill-in for Shelton) Present

Chaplain report:  chaplain absent, no report

Approval of minutes:
The minutes from the October meeting are posted on the council website.  Motion made to approve was passed.

Admissions committee report: None

Grand Knight report:
Santa Breakfast Dec. 4 after 9:30am Mass.  Knights hosting breakfast that morning.  Help needed for set-up and clean-up.

Caroling to nursing homes is scheduled for Dec. 10.  Meet the bus at St. Mark at 1:00pm.  We will be back at St. Mark to carol for those leaving the 5:00pm Mass.  After caroling there will be a Christmas party at St. Therese.  $10.00 per person covers both events. Knights will provide the meat for the party and the Columbiettes have been asked to provide the sides.

Youth ministry is requesting our help on Nov. 25 at 10:00am to meet at the church to unload the Christmas trees.  Help is also requested to man the tree lot that week-end.

Treasurer’s report:
The treasurer gave his report.

Financial Secretary’s report:
Financial secretary gave his report. 
Poker was a success again.  48 players were present and brought toys for Christmas distribution.  Poker may be held monthly after the first of the year.

Director’s reports:

  • Church (Decker)-
    • We will be participating in the Knights before Christmas again this year at the Dec. 4 9:30am Mass.  Knights will be handling all the ministries.  Alex Hill has requested we fill the choir area with Knights this year.
    • Help is needed for parking on Christmas Eve at the Children’s Mass.  Be at the church by 2:30pm.
    • We are making contributions to our 5 seminarians and a smaller donation to 25 other seminarians.  Possible Men’s Retreat in January if there is interest.
  • Culture of Life (Decker for Breit)-
    • Distributing baby bottles the first week-end of Advent, please volunteer to assist after Masses.  
    • Rally for Life in Raleigh Jan. 21. 
    • March in Washington, D.C. Jan. 27. 
    • For the First Born program, the council donated $100 of diapers, a stack five feet high, to Tileston Outreach. As an aside, Sister Isaac is retiring next month. 
  • Youth (Abbe)- Knights Christmas cards to be sold after all Masses next 3 Sundays.  Volunteers have been secured for the first week-end, but others are needed for the remaining week-ends.

New Business:

Joe Hellman introduced a guest, who hopefully will join our council.

George Schadt will be preparing breakfast on Dec. 4 after the 9:30 Mass.  He will be asking for assistance.

Poker needs more players and Knights to help the organizers clean-up.

Report of the Fourth Degree:
NCAA football booklets are available for sale. 

Good of the Order:
Prayers were offered for fellow Knights, relatives and friends.  In particular the following names were mentioned:

  • Roy Parker
  • Daniel Agnelli, son of Steve
  • Linane Shelton, daughter of Steve
  • Ed Basso

Guest Speaker:
Erin Medon made a very special presentation as her Senior project on foster children.  

Closing prayer and adjourn

Larry Greer, Recorder