Business Meeting Minutes October 17, 2019 Knights of Columbus 12017

Grand Knight Larry Greer called the meeting to order. The Warden reported all had membership card and rosary. The opening prayer was led by the Warden George Shadt and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll Call of Officers

Grand Knight Larry Greer Present
Chaplain Fr. Greg Spencer Excused
Deputy Grand Knight Chris Smith Present
Chancellor Gary Wool Excused
Advocate Mark Pahl Absent
Lecturer Miguel Saldana Present
Treasurer Sal Tascone Present
Financial Secretary Greg Decker Present
Warden George Schadt Present
Outside Guard Sean Duncan Present
Inside Guard John Bolger Absent
Recorder Jay Curley Present
Trustee 1 Ken Dieppa Present
Trustee 2 Steve Shelton Present
Trustee 3 Jeff Godshall Present

Chaplain report: (Given by Deacon Scott)

Spoke about Archbishop Lori's challenge to Kneel before the Crucifix each morning, pray the Rosary and increase in humility. 

Approval of minutes:The minutes from the September meeting were posted on the council website. Motion made to approve, seconded and was passed.

Financial Secretary report: Gave his report. We now have 227 members. 

Treasurer report: Gave his report.

Retention/Membership report: no report

Grand Knight report:

  • We will be hosting a Columbus Day Pasta Dinner Oct. 19 after the 5pm Mass. Donation Only! 25 tables and 8 chairs per table. We need volunteers for the cleanup! The Columbiettes will be providing desserts.
  • No fourth degree exemplification coming in January. November 9 we would like to have Knights participate in the Veterans day parade. 
  • We raised $1800 for Abby, and we recognized Melissa who was instrumental in organizing the great fundraiser.
  • Oct. 27th there will be a Priest Appreciation Mass.
  • Please plan on helping out the first weekend in November.
  • The Columbietees are having a yard sale 7am to 1pm on Sat Nov. 2. To reserve a spot is $25 for first spot and $15 for the second spot.
  • December 6th is the night for the combined Christmas Dinner organized by the esteemed Columbiettes.  Please add to your calendar. It again will be at the City Club from 6 till 9 and will be $25 per person. 
  • Archbishop Kurtz is scheduled for surgery in November. He gave us a $500 donation in appreciation of our efforts. 

Director’s reports:

Faith (Saldana) - 

  • Miguel stated the need for more Ushers and Extrordinary Ministers of Holy Communiion.
  • There is a possibility of 24 Hour Adoration on the first Friday preceeding the First Saturday Mass.  Knights are needed to take time from 10pm to 8am. Please try to come and have time in adoration. 
  • Miguel encouraged all knights to take advantage of the new First Saturday Mass instituted this month.
  • He also hopes to bring back the Marian Icon for the persecuted Christians next year.

Life (Breit) –

  • Michael was not present, but FS Decker talked about the successful Life Chain last Sunday near the old Kmart and said it was the best showing of brother Knights in memory. 

Family (Peters, S)-

  • Steve was not present. However, George Schadt was selected as Knight of the Month for the Abby Coderre fundraiser breakfast. 

Community (Niggel) -

  • A $1,000 check was given to LAMB in memory of Reymond Carrera.
  • Cary Newman talked about the Sharing Tree which is raising funds and getting supplies for the needy. Looking for personal hygiene and cleaning products. Needed are volunteers to help man the truck before and after Masses, and to help with assembling items into packages and move to storage closet for later distribution. Help really needed on Sundays 3-5pm. The Sharing Tree has been getting great donations and other parishes are looking at this program to add for their communities.

New Business: None. 

Report of the Fourth Degree: The planned exemplification for January has been tabled.  The earliest one could occur is April per DD Veroli. 

District Deputy Report: No report.   

Field Agent report: No report.

LAMB: Steve Shelton talked about coaching the Special Olympics athletes. He encouraged all to participate if possible October 22 and 23rd.

Good of the Order: Prayers were asked for Ron Probst’s brother-in-law, Jeff Werner, Daaniel Agnelli, and brother Knights. 

Closing prayer: was led by the Warden.

Respectfully submitted by: Jay Curley, Recorder